How to Know if Old Electrical Wiring in Your House Needs Replacement


Like antique furniture pieces and historical facades that need little to pop out and look perfect, old houses have a certain charm. The electrical wiring in those buildings, however, leaves something to be desired. Old electrical wiring and fuses weren’t made for the power demands of modern appliances and can easily overload or cause severe hazards. Additionally, the wear and tear due to years of use or damage caused by unwanted animals inside the walls mean they need more care.

Here are the telltale signs an old house could use new wiring.

Tripping circuits

Old houses were built for simpler appliances and for relatively few of them operating at a time. If you need to reset the circuit breakers constantly whenever more devices are plugged in, it’s a good sign the house needs to be rewired. Modern circuits and wiring are more than capable of handling multiple appliances at a time without stress or worry.

Scorch marks on outlets

If the outlets have burn marks on them or feel hot to the touch, the wiring in them could be loose or prone to failing. Discolored outlets usually mean they’re probably past their effectiveness and need to be replaced by newer models. Additionally, check what type of outlets the house has. Older outlets don’t have the now-required grounding or shock protection, so a two-prong outlet definitely should be scrapped.

Flickering lights

If the lights around the house start flickering when an energy-hungry appliance powers up, it could be a sign of an overloaded circuit. Check the circuit breakers that handle that segment of the house and the accompanying wiring to ascertain where the problem lies.

Frayed wire and rodent damage

Mice and rats love gnawing on items, and wires inside walls are not exempt from their teeth. While all wires come with insulation that somewhat protects them, rodents can still chew through those layers and the bare wiring is often prone to grounding or arc faults. Any damaged wires around a house create a dangerous situation and require careful handling and replacement.

Popping or buzzing

If there are buzzing, crackling, or snapping sounds from the outlets or switches when you plug something in, there could be a serious underlying problem. While it might happen on occasion, persistent unusual sounds call for immediate professional attention.

How is a home rewired?

Most of the time, older homes require a complete rewiring, as opposed to a partial fix. This can include replacing the circuit and switch box with a newer model rated for modern power consumption. Appliances that require only 60- or 100-amps are a thing of the past. Older boxes usually can’t handle the 200-amp devices we’re used to today.

The rewiring process is quite involved. You’ll need a professional electrical service to replace all the outlets in the house, a procedure which can include opening walls, removing old outlets and running new wires. Wires might need to be fished out and pulled through pipes using hooks, lines, and tape, but not all rooms are suited for this method.

How much does it all cost?

A complete wiring update doesn’t come cheap and can cost anywhere from $8,000-$15,000 for a 1,500-3,000 square foot home. Costs will vary based on the present condition, so contact a local professional electrical service for quotes and advice.

A.B.T. Electric is a licensed residential and commercial electrical contractor in Anthem, Az. We are committed to continuing expertise, safety, and customer satisfaction. Call (623) 521-3939 today!